Keeping your business and the environment safe
Effective environmental protection is a must for many industries, in particular manufacturing and laboratory testing. Alongside effective PPE, chemical-resistant linings are a valuable investment.
GMP Industrial Flooring are one of Northern Ireland and the UK's leading experts in chemical bund linings, and are ready to install a range of solutions in your premises.
We work directly with industries and manufacturers, ensuring that your lining is suitable for your application. Our team has more than 40 years' experience, and can be counted on to handle a range of installations, including concrete and resin flooring.
Our linings are suitable for:
Basements and tunnels
Reservoirs and tanks
Confined spaces
Factory floors
Loading and distribution bays
How the right lining can help
An effective chemical-resistant lining can make all the difference when it comes to preventing environmental damage. In the event of accidental spillages, the lining will help prevent the chemical or material coming into contact with surrounding soil or water.
It is a valuable investment if your business regularly works with hazardous materials, and for preventing environmental damage.